Thursday, October 18, 2007

Salazar's voting record

The Washington Post does a fabulous job with databases and with its online site, in general. Here it lists Sen. Salazar's voting record in Congress among other pertinent information. Note that the Senator has not missed a vote in Congress this session.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Salazar takes on Limbaugh

Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar waded deeper into the Rush Limbaugh/phony soldier controversy, saying he would support censoring Limbaugh for his "phony soldier" remarks. Rush's dittoheads immediately took after Salazar. As he's demonstrated time and again, Salazar is not afraid to step into the public arena on serious issues and topical issues. It's that strength that continues to gain him respect in the political world and makes him one of the Democrats most formidable and respected politicians.

Will Salazar be on Dem 08' ticket?

It's not surprising to find Sen. Ken Salazar's name floated as a possible vice presidential candidate as Newsweek columnist Howard Fineman writes. Salazar enjoys a strong reputation a moderate legislator. In his short time in the U.S. Senate he's forged relationships on both sides of the political spectrum. The fact he would help Democrats carry states in the Southwest makes him an appealing vice presidential choice.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Salazar on Petraeus

Here's a link to the senator's comments on Gen. Petraeus.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Salazar on national security

A youtube clip.

Salazar defended in home state

Ken Salazar finds support from ColoradoPols for his work on Iraq.

National Review editorial

National Review offers a damning editorial on the Ken Salazar and Lamar Alexander work in Iraq. We disagree with NR but offer the link in the spirit of full debate.